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5 Ways To Protect Your Eyes And Prevent It From Damage

By Abhas Sharma Updated - 11th September 2020

Eyes are the most important organ in the human body. It is necessary to have a clear vision in order to live life accurately. Human eyes utilizes 65% of the brain power and keep our senses function normally. The images that are sent to our brain, are in reality, upside down and backwards. Our eyes adjust the images in just milliseconds in order to keep stability whenever we move our head.

From the time we wake up in the morning till our bed time at night, our eyes constantly works hard in order to make our life special and easy. These eyes helps in making us more beautiful to look in person. Despite this, good eyesight is something that most of us has taken for granted.

But the great news is, there are plenty of easy things you can do every day to help keep your vision healthy. As a fact every day 300 people are diagnosed with macular disease, the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK – and it’s set to rise dramatically. Yet there’s no cure. Here are some tips to improve and maintain your eye vision healthy.

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Quit Smoking

For a perfect vision everyone needs a right amount of vitamins and drop off some bad habits like smoking. Smoking can damage the eye tissues very badly.In fact, smokers are twice as likely to develop the most common form of macular disease, age-related macular degeneration (AMD – see below). They’re also diagnosed earlier than most. Not just this but smoking is also connected to cataracts somewhere and can make diabetes-related sight problems worse.

Stay Hydrated

Our eyes contains a lot of fluid which protect them as it washed away all the dust particles that our eyes struggling with. To help our eyes in order to continue this fight it’s important to drink plenty of water. And the most important tip to remember that one must stay away from too much alcohol as it decreases your levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that helps protect against eye disease.

Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Like every body part our eyes also needs all nutrition to stay healthy in peak condition. Vegetables should be clean and cooked properly. Choose leafy green vegetables more. Like broccoli, spinach etc. Oranges, lemon, lime and other fruits are helpful in taking a good care of the eyes. Fruits which contains citrus and Vitamin C are one of the most effective fruit. The blood vessels in your eyes remain healthy and eyes can combat the development of cataracts and AMD.

Step Away From Screens

Nowadays people are busy in spending their time looking at their desktop, laptop, mobile and Television screen for a longer period of time. As the eyes might deal with discomfort. And it can lead to headaches and dry and gritty eyes so it’s important to step away from them occasionally to prevent any harm. To rejuvenate your eyes, follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, make sure you look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Physical Fitness of Eyes

It helps in maintaining your eyes cool when you put a pair of sunglasses on your eyes in a bright sunny day. It also protects your eyes from Harmful UV Rays.

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