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COVID 19: Fruits and Vegetables to boost immunity, fight the novel coronavirus

By Pragya Gouhari Updated - 11th July 2020

COVID 19: Eating is a necessity but one requires art to eating intelligently. One cannot stress enough on how important it is to eat healthy during these difficult times. To be able to handle and deal with this pandemic we all should be healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. One cannot control much in life as tightly as we can control our food.

Some superfoods that will help the body to fight with coronavirus are easily available in our refrigerators. Now’s a great time to load up on nutrients like vitamin C, as well as to practice hygiene measures like proper hand-washing.

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Immunity Booster Fruits and Vegetables:

1. Ginger – When it comes to treating a common cold, ginger is one of the best foods for relief, Because inflammation can affect your body’s immune response, anti-inflammatory ginger can play a key role in boosting your immunity.

2. Oranges – Oranges are rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient when you’re feeling under the weather. It can also help lower the duration and severity of a cold.

3. Broccoli – Broccoli can be a great addition to your diet if you’re trying to prevent a cold. Sulforaphane, a chemical in the vegetable, turns on antioxidant genes and enzymes in specific immune cells, which combat free radicals in your body and prevent you from getting sick.

4. Mushrooms – Mushrooms are high in selenium and B vitamins like riboflavin and niacin. These minerals and vitamins are necessary for the immune system to work in tip-top form. Mushrooms are also high in polysaccharides, -like molecules that boost immune function.

5. Spinach – This green leafy vegetable gets top billing as a superfood thanks to its high content of folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, fibre, magnesium, and iron. The nutrients in spinach boost immune function and provide the body with necessary nutrients for cell division and DNA repair

6.Blueberries – Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties that can help boost a person’s immune system

7. Red Bell Peppers – Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers contain almost 3 times as much vitamin C. Besides boosting your immune system, vitamin C may help you maintain healthy skin. Beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, helps keep your eyes and skin healthy.

8. Garlic – The active ingredient Allicin protects the body from infections and disease while also supporting a healthy heart and reducing cholesterol. It has a decongestant action as it relieves congestion of the upper respiratory tract

9. Pineapples– Pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain which aids the digestion of protein and allows your body to utilize immune-boosting amino acids effectively. Pineapple is also well known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can help heal sore throats.

10. Kiwi – Kiwi is one such fruit that contains vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and folate in abundance. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and prevent cell damage. It also helps in boosting the production of white blood cells that fight infections

While there is no one way to avoid any infection entirely, strengthening your immune system with particular food ingredients can go a long way to reduce your risk of contamination. Our immune system plays a vital role in warding off viruses and bacteria from affecting our body and causing damage. Consuming these foods on a daily basis will not only keep you healthy but also help you achieve a stronger immune system, thereby keeping you immune and disease-free. So, focus on mindful eating and stay healthy!