The News Pit

Microsoft Introduces New Feature in Video Conferencing Application

By Abhas Sharma Updated - 7th September 2020

On Teacher’s day this year, Microsoft has announced a new feature, ‘Teams for Education’ in their video conferencing application for the benefit of Teachers. Microsoft ensures that the new feature in their video conferencing application stood beneficial for the teachers as they are busy in educating children despite this Corona Pandemic. Microsoft also ensures that it helps teachers in transitioning to better virtual learning than just trying to explain things on video or just mailing PowerPoint presentations.

During COVID-19 Pandemic education is the most important aspect of the society which hits the most. Microsoft Teams is offering solutions to ensure that the learning does not stop as there is no guarantee that the situation improves in the immediate future. On Teacher’s day, Microsoft is helping teachers transition to better virtual learning than just trying to explain things on video or just mailing PowerPoint presentations.

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Here is the list of features that will introduce by Microsoft which may help teachers interact better with students and increase engagement during the virtual classes.


Now the video conferencing application, Microsoft Teams can have up to 49 members on the single screen at the same time. This will be accomplished with a grid of seven rows and seven columns showing all the students. The preview of the new interface will be available later this month followed by worldwide availability later this year.


If teachers have assigned a new project or a new assignment, they can absolutely get a check on their students on what they are doing, and will simply be able to do it with virtual breakout sessions. During these sessions, teachers will be able to communicate with each group separately.


As we all know that hand-raising feature for marking the attendance is old but necessary. Teachers will also be able to see a compilation of attendance reports and class insights. This will help them track the rate of assignments turned in, activity metrics, and grades.


Now teachers can have a check on the meeting lobby which will help educators prevents students from starting the class before their supervision. They will be able to choose, the students they allow to join a particular class and also assign presenters in a meeting to keep them engaged and not just sit and use their smartphone.

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