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Joe Biden: Largest Muslim PAC in USA endorses Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate

By Pragya Gouhari Updated - 21st July 2020

Joe Biden tended to a ‘Million Muslim Votes’ event on Monday. He communicated his desire that schools in the nation show youngsters more Islam – “One of the great confessional faiths.”

“I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith. I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It’s one of the great confessional faiths,” Biden told the audience.

This election rally was hosted by Emgage Action which happens to be the biggest Political Action Committee (PAC) representing American Muslims. The occasion additionally flagged that PAC is currently Bidens’s side. This is a change in light of the fact that, during the primary season, this organization was supporting Bernie Sanders.

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However, with the political scene having changed and Sanders’ bid over, Biden is the undeniable decision for an organisation like this. The official letter pronouncing the PAC’s support of Biden marks the signatures of prominent Muslim politicians from the Democratic Party. The most notable among them being Ilhan Omar, a Congresswoman, and Keith Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota.

He likewise legitimately accused Donald Trump of what he accepts is “an unconscionable rise in Islamophobia.” But he didn’t stop there. The previous Vice President additionally focused on President Trump for his movement boycott against residents of certain Muslim countries. Biden declared that he would annul the ban.

But the letter of endorsement also reminded everyone what the main target of the ongoing campaign is. “Our number one goal is to remove Donald Trump from office and to replace him with someone who can begin to heal our nation. A Biden administration will move the nation forward on many of the issues we care about,” the statement from Emgage Action read.

The move of the former VP to associate himself openly and freely with this organization is bound to raise certain eyebrows. Hillary Clinton, who was the contender of the party in the 2016 elections, refrained from participating in events of Emgage Action. But at a time while fears of Islamic fundamentalism are very much found in American society, this could backfire also.