The News Pit

Liberals Screech As Donald Trump Uses The White House As RNC Prop, Call It ‘Abomination’

By Vinod Dsouza Updated - 28th August 2020

Democrats slammed Donald Trump for using the White House as a prop for his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, which is a clear violation of the Hatch Act that prohibits people working in the government to promote themselves or their political agenda from public property that particularly doesn’t belong to any political party.

As soon as it was revealed that the RNC will be held at the White House, critics took to Twitter and called out Trump for misusing his power by advancing his political agenda from the White House. Several of them called Trump to be tried under the law for breaking the Hatch Act and also called for his arrest.

Picture Courtey – Instagtam / Benny A Johnson

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However, Trump supporters rejoiced seeing the President accept the nomination from the White House and called him a”troller-in-chief” for trolling the Democrats during the last day at the RNC. Though, the Hatch Act doesn’t do much in terms of violations, as there can’t be any arrests or fine, the matter will soon be forgotten in the coming heat of the presidential elections.

In fact, at one point, Trump made it clear that he’s trolling the Democrats by saying, “The fact is, I’m here — what’s the name of that building?” And pointed at the White House and continued, “The fact is, we’re here and they’re not.” The crowd erupted in cheers and whistles at Trump’s gesture.

Trump has his own way of ”owing the libs” and does everything he can to boost up the morale of his followers, even if that means to break the law. While the Democrats screech about Trump’s way of handling things, Republicans wrap it up with both arms and enjoy the things he does, which inadvertently angers the Democrats.

Several left-leaning journalists called Trump’s actions as ”dictatorship” for wrongly using his power at the RNC 2020 and claimed this is not what America stands for, which prides itself for maintaining the right checks and balances even for elected officials.

The race to the presidency heats up as Donald Trump and Joe Biden are all set to go head-to-head on November 3, 2020. While all major outlets predict a Biden presidency, Trump can pull another 2016 upset victory as his base is rock solid and will do anything to get him reelected and keep him in the White House for four more years.

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