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Teachers Far More Likely To Spread Coronavirus In Schools Than Children, Reveals Study

By Preeti Soodan Devgan Updated - 24th August 2020

Teachers are more likely to spread Coronavirus than Children, reveals a study conducted by leading Scientist Shamez Ladhani, who is a paediatric infectious disease specialist at Public Health England (PHE). The study shows that just 1 in 10,000 schools have been hit by a virus outbreak when they reopened in June all across England.

A PHE analysis, published on Sunday, found there were 67 single confirmed cases, four ‘co-primary cases’ (two or more linked cases diagnosed at the same time) and 30 outbreaks of Covid-19 in schools during June.

The survey found that staff are more vulnerable and exposed to viruses outside the classroom and campus. Hence, they need to be more vigilant in order to protect themselves, educational settings and their families. On this, Shamez said,” We need to educate our educators”.

”There’s a clear need for a duty of care outside the school setting so staff need to protect themselves, and in turn other staff and pupils. Staff are very good at social distancing and infection control in the classroom, but upon leaving the school environment these measures are more likely to be broken, potentially putting themselves and their colleagues at risk,” said Dr Shamez.

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Boris Johnson pleaded with parents to send their children back to school as he takes charge of the drive to get all schools open next week. He warned last night that pupils risk permanent damage to their future life chances if they continue to stay away from school. He assured parents for their pupil’s safety.

Efforts to reopen classrooms were given a major boost last night. Moreover, Johnson said, “It is a moral duty to open the schools as it emerged that there was an outbreak of Coronavirus at only one in 10,000 schools when some reopened for select year groups in June, according to research by Public Health England.”

Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, added: ”The chances of many children being damaged by not going to school are incredibly clear and therefore the balance of risk is very strongly in favour of children going to school because many more are likely to be harmed by not going than harmed by going, even during this pandemic.”

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