The News Pit

Opinion: Over Confidence Might Cost Donald Trump The Election In 2020 Against Joe Biden

By Vinod Dsouza Updated - 1st October 2020

The stage was set. President Donald Trump would walk in to the first presidential debate fully prepared and talk about America’s future, assuring everyone a great economic revival, a plan to beat coronavirus and convince voters that he’s the best choice for 2020. When the camera would turn towards Joe Biden, the former vice president would fumble, stammer, forget what he’s talking about and make a fool of himself on national television, making it certain that he is mentally unfit for the office.

But what really happened?

An over confident Trump walked in to the debate unprepared, had no plans for the future, interrupted his rival Biden every time he spoke and talked over moderator Chris Wallace, who in turn begged the president not to interrupt during the debate.

For Trump to make a fool out of Biden, all he had to do was let him talk and the rest would take care of itself. But no, Trump barely gave the former vice president a chance to complete his sentence and in return, made him sound cogent, efficient and an able person who can take on Trump’s set of bow and arrows pointed towards him.

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Trump Vs Biden clash was watched by 73 million viewers in America.

Unnecessary aggression, over confidence and a wrong belief that Biden would have a disastrous performance when the lights are turned towards him is what made Trump behave the way he did during the debate.

Instead of Donald Trump convincing the American people that Joe Biden is indeed ‘sleepy Joe, slow Joe and hiden Biden’, the former vice president made a lasting impression labeling Trump a “clown”, “liar” and “the worst president in America”, and everyone watching the debate felt his words were justified as Biden was seen put off with the president’s manoeuvre.

Over confidence in Trump and the Republican party that a 2020 victory is certain would cost them dear in the election. The new persona Trump gifted Biden after the debate would last longer and is capable of swinging votes to the Democrats.

The same over confidence Hillary Clinton carried in 2016 assuming her victory is certain against Donald Trump and we all know how that turned out to be. If Trump doesn’t want a repeat of 2016, this time pointed against himself, he needs to step up his game and charge against Joe Biden thinking everything is on the line.

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