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Free Horoscope And Lucky Numbers For today, 10th September 2020

By Pragya Gouhari -
  • Updated
  • :
  • 10th September 2020,
  • 12:12 PM

Positive vibes coming your way with today’s forecast.

Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today

Every day is different and comes with new challenges and gifts, read out your today’s horoscope to be prepared for challenges and happening occurring today.

Food for the soul for today : “The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill.

If today is your Birthday : Happy Birthday! People born on September 10 are reliable and honest. They are little perfectionists in most life aspects but this is only because they want to stay away from stupidity and extremes. They need to be taken in consideration and they can be quite opinionated when they feel the need to support a certain cause. They are sociable but interact best with people who they perceive to be of a similar moral and intelligence status.

Positive traits: The natives in this sign have an open and flexible approach to life but also plan for the worst. They keep every past mistake sealed in their brain and are sure to learn from it. They are determined and try to achieve everything step by step. They are very patient but can also lose their temper when people are disrespectful. They work hard for their families and this is what truly motivates them.

Earth is your sign’s paired element and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a fixed connection to the element. Just as you can always rely on the Earth for providing firm ground to walk on, you seek the same stability in all aspects of life. The Earth’s influence is witnessed in your grounded and practical nature; you will gladly exchange fantastical dreams for practical goals. Embrace the positive qualities of earth as you continue to work to achieve your goals, but be careful to avoid the over-cautiousness that may become a negative influence.

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Slow your roll, Aries! An overly ambitious endeavor may stall unexpectedly today, as enterprising Mars, who’s been firing up your sign since June 27, turns retrograde. Between now and November 13, you may need to scale back your vision or even put this project on the back burner temporarily. Resist the urge to plow forward blindly, especially if things are falling apart. Instead of powering through, could you power down? Take this cosmic downtime to reconnect with your inner passion. What are the reasons you started down this path to begin with? By tapping into that initial inspiration, you may experience an unexpected renaissance!


Frustrated by stop-and-start progress? You could find yourself in “hurry up and wait” mode between now and November 13, as Mars retrogrades through your twelfth house of transition and reflection. Patience, Bull! Instead of sitting around and anxiously twiddling your thumbs, could you revisit a creative project or finish something that’s been lingering partly-done for a while? The cosmos brings a wave of inspiration, so take advantage of this divine intervention! Just be careful who you trust during this unpredictable backspin, especially if a sketchy person from your past attempts to work their way back into your life. Inner circle only!


Trouble on your team? Group efforts could hit a rocky patch starting today, as driven Mars turns retrograde in Aries and your eleventh house of collaboration until November 13. You may have the urge to simply call it quits, but resist any rash impulses. Instead of walking away, use this planetary pause to address any problematic aspects of the group dynamic. What changes could you make that would boost morale and increase productivity? If there are any bad apples in the bunch, you may want to consider replacing them. Addicted to your phone? Time for a social media hiatus! Since the eleventh house also rules technology, the cosmos will guide you toward healthier lifestyle choices during your digital detox


Speed bump ahead! Your professional path could get a bit rocky in the coming weeks, as ambitious Mars turns retrograde in Aries and your career-oriented tenth house until November 13. An unexpected setback could force you to press pause on an ambitious endeavor. Though this may be frustrating in the short term, this slowdown could be a blessing in disguise. Take this time-out to restrategize and you could emerge with a stronger plan than you started with! Clashing with an authority figure or boss? Don’t waste your energy on a political power struggle. Instead of battling it out, lay low and wait for things to cool down. You’ll have much better luck negotiating once this isn’t such a hot-button issue


Abandon those pie-in-the-sky fantasies, Leo. The cosmos encourages you to realistically evaluate your professional efforts in the coming weeks, as fiery Mars turns retrograde in your enterprising ninth house until November 13. Are certain aspects of your project simply unachievable due to time or budget constraints? Or perhaps an unexpected setback has forced you to reassess your strategy? Regardless of the circumstances, you may need to overhaul your grand vision. Don’t panic! A brainstorming session could produce an even better idea. The ninth house also rules jet-setting, so any upcoming travel plans could suffer from unforeseen snafus. Double check that itinerary!


True love…or just lust? It could be difficult to discern between the two in the coming weeks, as fiery Mars turns retrograde in your erotic sector until November 13. Rather than rush into commitment, pump the brakes a bit. Taking things slow will give you time to get to know each other on a deeper emotional level. Remember: There’s more to a relationship than physical connection! Already coupled? This transit is the perfect time to finally address any long-simmering issues that have been affecting your dynamic. But with passionate Mars in the mix, it could be difficult to keep a lid on your temper. If you feel your anger rising, take a break from the discussion.


Clashing with a collaborator? A fight for control could erupt over the coming weeks, as fiery Mars turns retrograde in Aries until November 13. Important partnerships may become fraught with tension, especially if the two of you have wildly different visions for the future. But resist the urge to play the blame game or make jealous (and unfounded) accusations. The two of you CAN find common ground—you’ll just have to work for it. Compromise is key, Libra! Is a new relationship quickly moving toward commitment? Slow your roll! Take time to become better acquainted, before you sign on any dotted lines.


Drowning in work? You may need to take a few non-essential items off your plate in the coming weeks, as Mars turns retrograde in Aries and your sixth house of work. Between now and November 13, multi-tasking will seriously drag you down. Focus on one or two essential projects, rather than attempting to tackle an unrealistic workload. If people attempt to siphon a “quick favor” out of you, politely decline. You need to take care of your own needs first! Need a little extra help getting it all done? Hire a rockstar assistant or ask a knowledgeable bestie for a hand.


Tame your inner hedonist, Sag! You may be tempted to overindulge in the coming weeks, whether you’re spending a fortune on that online shopping spree or having three too many drinks at happy hour. But the cosmos urge you to exercise restraint in the coming weeks, as passionate Mars turns retrograde in your pleasure-seeking fifth house until November 13. Take a deeper look at what’s fueling this urge to splurge. Are you dealing with anxiety by engaging in unhealthy habits? Say “no” to temptation and address the underlying issues instead. Single? Resist the urge to go for that toxic but tantalizing ex. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need.


Get your house in order, Cap! Domestic dramas could bubble up in the coming weeks, as hectic Mars turns retrograde in Aries until November 13. Tensions may flare between you and a live-in lover, roommate or relative. Your relationships with important women in your life could face particular strain, but do your best to keep a lid on that temper. Diplomatic dialogues will get you a lot further than shouting matches. Need a way to reduce your stress? Channel your anxieties into a deep-cleaning session. Decluttering your space will also help you clear your mind!


Inner circle only, Aquarius! Resist the urge to confide in new connections over the next few weeks, as fiery Mars turns retrograde in your third house of interpersonal communication until November 13. Need to discuss a top-secret issue? Make sure you’re talking to a trusted friend, relative or lover. If someone hasn’t earned their loyalty points, then resist the urge to vent to them about this sensitive matter. They could wind up using this information to fuel the rumor mill. Keep it confidential!


Stay focused, Pisces! An unexpected (and exciting) opportunity could come your way, but make sure you’ve got room in your schedule to take it on. You could easily become overwhelmed with responsibilities in the coming weeks, as passionate Mars turns retrograde in Aries and your second house of career and money until November 13. What’s the most pressing (and lucrative) item on your agenda? Prioritize this mission before you get distracted by a million other assignments. If you attempt to do it all, you could quickly careen toward a burnout. Remember: It’s better to do one thing well, rather than ten things poorly!

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